

Family Tree Maker (FTM) 2019 users may occasionally encounter issues with missing media or corrupt files. These problems often arise from broken file links, incomplete backups, or software glitches. To resolve missing media, use the "Find Missing Media" tool in FTM, which scans for and relinks misplaced files. Ensure all media files are stored in a central, organised folder for easy access. For corrupt files, restore from a recent backup or use the "Compact File" feature to repair database error


  1. 1【2023年最新】EMS美顔器おすすめ商品10選!特徴や効果のでやすい使用方法を解説ARINE公式ライター
  2. 2透明感がたっぷりなんです♡今さら聞けない「ことりベージュ」を解説Mio
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